
finally made a new blog page, my family has been really busy these last few weeks so i've not had the time to update the site, plus i've had more hours added to my classes.


made a tumblr so i can answer questions and reblog any images i use, if anyone has any questions just ask there.


i went outside completely alone, which i've only done a few times before, it was a beautiful sunny friday, and most of everyone were either in school or at work, so i was able to spend a good 20 minutes at the park on the swings, no one else was around beyond the distant cars driving past and a woman with her dog, most likely retired, though i never saw her face to confirm if she was elderly enough to be. her dog was big, and had curly black fur, impossible to tell if it was a poodle or doodle.

i bought some VHS's of the lion king trilogy, i need to add those and also complete taking pictures of all my pins and musical items to add to the site.